What to expect Sunday Morning.........
First thing first—please know that you’ll be welcome! When you visit our church, you will be our respected and welcome guest. You won’t be singled out, asked to stand before the congregation or to come forward. Our Sunday worship is a fairly traditional Presbyterian service with hymns and prayers, music and confession, time with children and sermon. There is a four-fold flow to our worship: Gathering, Proclaiming, Responding, and Sending.
There is no dress code so please come as you are. You’ll see a variety of clothing styles: men in suits, khakis, dress shirts or polo shirts. Women wear dresses, skirts and slacks. Although some people wear suits or dresses to the worship service, others wear nice casual attire or jeans.
If your visit is on the first Sunday of the month, the service will include Communion. Our understanding of the sacrament is that all who trust in Jesus are invited to partake. Children are also invited to participate at whatever age their parents decide. Please feel welcome to participate or refrain as you wish.
Children are always welcome and encouraged to attend worship. They may stay for the entire service or join our Church School classes when available. Children begin in worship with the congregation and are excused for Church School after the time with children.
Presbyterian worship includes a time for returning to God our tithes and offering. Offering placed in the plate support the ministry and mission of this church and the church across the world. Visitors are welcome but not obligated to contribute.
Warm welcome upon entering...
Dynamic worship, inspired word, prayer and sacrament.....
Passing the peace...
Proclaiming our faith through music ministry......
Enjoying fellowship during coffee hour....