GriefShare Group Information
The next full cycle of GriefShare will begin on Tuesday, September 17, 2024.
GriefShare is a 13-session grief-recovery program that uses video presentations and small groups to assist people who have lost a loved one. GriefShare helps people embrace the grief process and start rebuilding their lives as they go through the process of dealing with the pain and the hurt that comes with losing someone.
South Church is excited to offer the latest version of GriefShare, GriefShare 4. All 13 sessions have been completely updated and expanded on topics that address the needs of people suffering a loss in today's world.
We meet in the Church House Auditorium at South Presbyterian Church, 150 W. Church Street in Bergenfield (across from Cooper's Pond). There's plenty of on-street parking space available.
The cost is a one-time fee $20 for the workbook and the group is open to anyone. Please enter your information and click on the submit button below to register. If you have any questions, call the church office at 201-384-8932 or click here to go to the GriefShare website.
In addition to the 13-session program, we will offer the following special seminars:
Loss of A Spouse on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 7:00 pm in our Auditorium.
Surviving the Holidays on November 12, 2024 at 7:00 pm in our Auditorium.
Blue Christmas Service on December 8, 2024 at 5:00 pm in our Sanctuary.
GriefShare Version 4
GriefShare - Loss of a Spouse
GriefShare - Surviving the Holidays